
The Nutmeg State

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CT Utilities

IOU, Municipal, Cooperative, Retail Energy Suppliers, Wholesale

 Connecticut Consumer Choice: Consumer Deregulation

Utility: Consumers in Connecticut may choose their electric and natural gas supplier.

Connecticut Electric Choice: Yes. Consumers in Connecticut have electric choice in the Connecticut Power and Light and United Illuminating utility territories. Buyers who choose an alternate supplier still receive a bill from their local distribution company ( LDC ). 

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Connecticut Gas Choice: YES. Natural gas is deregulated in Connecticut for industrial and commercial consumers, residential consumers do not have gas choice.

Deregulated Gas Year Electric Year

Connecticut Yes* 1996 Yes 1998 *Gas choice is partial and very limited.

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Connecticut NPCC Eastern ISONE

Region: Northeast

Connecticut Population: 3,565,287 People/ Land Mile: 736

Square Miles: 5,543 Land Miles: 4,842 Water Miles: 701

Yearly Values:

Net Generation 39,453,552 MWH Retail Sales 28,833,925 MWH Gas 520 trillion Btu

Counties CT Zip Codes CT Utility Zip Codes

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NERC Authority: NPCC

FERC Authority: Northeast Natural Gas Market

ISO/RTO Authority: ISONE

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Electric Retail Average:  18.5 cents/kWh (Ave)

Connecticut Power Mix

U.S. Commodity Sources 2019: 

Coal: 0.1%

Natural gas: 52.8%

Nuclear: 41.7%

Hydro: 1.3%


Solar PV: 0.4%


Biomass: 3.3%

2013 U.S. Commodity Sources:

Coal: 2%

Natural gas: 44%

Nuclear: 48%

Hydro: 1%

CT Solar: Net Metering, Tax Credits, Solar Rebates

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State Rebates:

State Contacts:

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State Links:

State Authorities:

Connecticut DOE Portal

Energize Connecticut (Energy Shopping website)

Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority

Connecticut Office of Consumer Counsel

REP Contacts: 

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