The Grand Canyon State
AZ Utilities
IOU, Municipal, Cooperative, Retail Energy Suppliers, Wholesale
Arizona Consumer Choice: No Deregulation
Utility: Most consumers in Arizona may not choose their energy supplier. Very large industrial consumers of electricity and natural gas may have options to save money by working with alternative suppliers, verification is required.
Arizona Electric Choice: No. Consumers in parts of the state of Arizona are not able to choose their electric supplier.
Arizona Gas Choice:
Limited. Generally speaking, consumers in the state of Arizona are not able to choose their gas supplier. Large consumers may be able to choose their natural gas supplier, verification is required.
Deregulated Gas Year Electric Year
Arizona No N/A No* N/A *Electricity deregulation was attempted in 2004 and 2013 but state regulators have voted to keep regulation in place.
Region: Southwest
Arizona Population: 7,278,717 People/ Land Mile: 9.7
Square Miles: 114,006 Land Miles: 113,642 Water Miles: 364
Yearly Values:
Net Generation 111,925,144 MWH Retail Sales 78,346,302 MWH Gas 400.6 trillion Btu
Counties AZ Zip Codes AZ Utility Zip Codes
NERC Authority: WECC
FERC Authority: West Natural Gas Region
Electric Retail Average: 10.85 cents/kWh (Ave)
Arizona Power Mix
U.S. Commodity Sources 2019:
• Coal: 20.4
• Natural gas: 41%
• Nuclear: 28%
• Hydro: 5.4%
• Solar PV: 4.5%
• Wind: 0.5%
• Biomass: 0.2%
2013 U.S. Commodity Sources:
• Coal: 13%
• Natural gas: 41%
• Nuclear: 35%
• Hydro: 5%
• Arizona home heat using electricity 60%
• Arizona home heat using natural gas 33%
AZ Solar: Net Metering, Tax Credits, Solar Rebates, More
State Rebates:
SouthWest Gas
State Contacts:
State Links:
Arizona State Energy Profile (EIA 2020)
Arizona Energy Profile (DOE 2014) State of Arizona Energy Sector Risk Profile
Arizona Household Energy Use (EIA 2009) Household Energy Use in Arizona
Arizona Southwest Energy Facts (SW Energy 2016) ARIZONA ENERGY FACT SHEET
Arizona Make/Buy Comparison ( 2018) Energy Use
State Authorities:
Arizona Residential Utility Consumer Office
REP Contacts: